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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of this document available soon.

                                               Confederate States of America
                                                          War Department,
                                               Richmond, November 24th, 1862.
                You are hereby informed, that the President has appointed you

Colonel, Adjutant General's Department

In the Provisional Army in the service of the Confederate States; to rank as such from the twenty-fourth day of November one thousand eight hundred and sixty two. Should the Senate, at their next session, advise and consent thereto, you will be commissioned accordingly.

Immediately upon receipt hereof, please to communicate to this Department, through the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, your acceptance or non-acceptance of said appointment; and with your letter of acceptance, return to the Adjutant and Inspector General the OATH, herewith enclosed, properly filled up, SUBSCRIBED and ATTESTED, reporting at the same time your AGE, RESIDENCE when appointed , and the STATE in which you were BORN.

Should you accept, you will report for duty to General J. E. Johnston.

                                                James A. Seddon
                                                      Secretary of War.

Colonel Benjamin S. Ewell

 Asst. Adjt. Genl. P.A.C.S.