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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

Letter from Conway Robinson to G.a Peidicaris {?} to {?}

The Vineyard near Washington aly Nov 20 {?} 1861

To Mr G.A. Peidicaris Trenton New Jersey

Dear Sir

Since the receipt of your letter of the 10- {?} of Oct.- it has been often in my mind, but different causes have delayed a response to it. I proceed now to send you something by way of answer. The subject of confiscation attracted much attention during the {existence?}, and for some time after the close, of the war which ter =minated in the separation from Great Britian of the Colonies that {Le?} came the United States of America. In the elaborate {din confusion?} before the supreme court of the United States in 1796 in the case of {Ware?} vs Hylton {no?} 1 Dall. 222. it was contended that the legislature of Virginia had no night to confiscate any British property because Vir =ginia was part of the dismember empire of Great Britain