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  1. 4 (Falls Church and a free day).

"Although many Tour members stayed at home or in a motel, 10 of us stayed at K.C. Jones' home. Her family treated us royally and we didn't have to travel anywhere for the reception that Dr. and Mrs. Jones gave the Choir after our concert."

"Grooming and deportment" photo, L to R: Karen Yamamoto, K.C. Jones, Jean Kreiling, Donna Thibeault.

"long hair must be 'put up'" photo, L to R: Keith Pickerel, Jean Kreiling, Walker Hamilton, Bill Einstein.

"help stragglers off to their lodgings" photo, L to R: Dr. Fehr, Debbie Graves, Jean Kreiling.

"an overall appraisal" photo, L to R: Sam Lanham, Keith Savage, Frances Ferguson

"Good and lasting friendships" photo, L to R: Jim Gilstrap, Dr. Fehr, Jean Kreiling