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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

[torn away] F. M. Lewis

Care of [Conway Whittle?] [?] Norfolk, VA

Columbia S.C.

My dear friend, I do not know whether you can have heard of my affliction. But tho'

it is still very hard for me to write, I know so well your affection for me and my children that

I cannot longer put off informing you of our sad loss. My dear Lizzie is no longer with us on earth.

We are parted as I trust but for a time. You know her and know how closely she clung to me and how

dependent I am on my children. Therefore you can judge of the severity of this blow to me and I

am just as certain of your sympathy as if you were here weeping with and for me. I must first tell