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Rikers Island N.Y. Dec 26th/63

Dear Sister,

Contrary to my expectations I still "Hold forth" in this detestable rat hole of an Island. I would have informed you of my disappointment in not being able to get away from here before, But I have been to busy to write letters. Since I sent my last to you I have been put in Charge of one of the Company Streets in the Rendezvous. And they keep me writing all day and sometimes all night. One day I may have 300 men in the Company and another 75. As fast as they go or come I have to make out Receipts and Transfers for every man. So you may know that I have little Chance to write letters, no matter how much I wish to. Last night I did not have much to do. And I set down to write a few words to you and Hannah. I had just finished Hannah's, when in come an Orderly from Head Quarters. Sergt of "G" will report to the Adjutants office without delay, And away I had to Skedaddle. I got a job that lasted me till One Oclock in the morning. I did not feel much like writing then, So I postponed your letter till to night. And now I want to ask you how you spent your Christmas. You must let me know all about it. If you dont I shall tell a certain Young Chap how many times you let the Brooklyn boys kiss you. I had an awful Christmas. In the first place I had no breakfast to begin with. For dinner I had mackeral that was so salt, that when I put a piece in my mouth I imagined they was some relation of "Lots" Wife, And potatoes that they had merely thrown hot water at. For supper "Let me see" I never had any if I did I have forgot it. This morning I had to buy my breakfast, As the Cooks had no Coffee. Take Coffee away from a soldier in the morning and he is dead all day. I went to the officers Mess, and got a pretty good breakfast. "Oh" this is a nice place, plenty of rats, To make music on the ear, In the lonely midnight hour with their infernal squealing & knawing. Why we have to take our boots to bed with us and sleep in dread of being carried off bodily boots and all then. A great many of the recruits that comes here with 3 or 500 dollars in their pockets gets robbed they say their pockets are picked. But its my opinion that the Rats Cart it off, they are big enough. I know I shall consider myself lucky if I dont wake up some of these fine mornings and find myself snugly stowed away in some rat hole.

I expect Farther and Mary up on the Island to see me tomorrow. I sent a pass down to them some days ago.

I expect to leave here the 2nd of January. I got my orders to day so you must hurry up and write. How is your friend Miss Weeks, does she need a love letter yet. I must bid you good bye, The drums are beating off "tatoo" and I have to Call the Roll. Give my love to Uncle & Aunt and all enquireing friends.

I remain Your Affectionate Brother

{Direct} Andrew J Weeks

1st Sergt "G" Co. 3rd Battalion Rikers Island N.Y.H.