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Bud gave Dad a note with

Amount of 

loan for 

House & well


Saturday             19        May

 139th                             226 Days

  Day      Ember Day          to come

Cloudy & damp.  Bud took Sammy up

to Dr. Lewis for check up at 8.  Henry

along but I didn't go as I must get

Mama fixed up in morn. & she 

don't be up till about nine.  Dad

on Ethel's table a little while, then

to U.C. with water sample from

DeNemin's.  Came on a little drizzle

so decided not to take Kenny to

May Day at School.  Ethel talked 

to me in eve, she had gone to U.C.

shopping after Bob got Home.

They want to make settlement

with Mrs. Jones next Wed. also

people coming in their place

(Hornung) want to settle then too

I will ago up & keep Bobby
