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or two.  He has two good looking daughters

and a smart woman but they are the

[...ingest?] of [?] and do not deny it

[A?] [p...?] may [?] [?] the men to [Guard?]

a rich mans house and every poor man

in the country leave his last pig and chicken

The men made up [on?] their minds Monday

to have the fat of the land and thus far

they have carried it out.  Turkeys, Chickin

and Sheep & pigs [f...?] [kind?].  Yesterday

I helped to kill a nice fat pig belonging

to the man I am now Guarding and he

must rut the rest [closed?] [up?] or we will

[f...?] his [eatbles?].  The first four days we

were out here we [found?] [?] [kind?] we

brought only two [days?] rations with us and

small cases at that and Sunday when

we marched all we had after breakfast

until Monday morning was two hard tacks

and then we [?] our own [?]

of the [people?] here.  To day we [?] [two?]

days [?] and we may stay here

some time yet A [great?] many reports [are?]

stiring here some say we are making a

faint to keep Lee from moving and

others say Lee has moved and is between

Baltimore & Washington and that we

are going in his rear toward Richmond

but I have found the only way to tell

when such reports are true are when

they [?] [papers?] We came out here with

only our Rubber blankets leaving our

knap sacks in camp expecting to go

in again in two days.  We have no change
