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To Magruder- Ewell Camp

The following reminiscences of General John
Bankhead Magruder and of events in and
around Williamsburg, at the beginning
of the War are respectfully offered to the
Camp.  In 1828, when I was appointed a
cadet at West Point I saw General Magruder
for the first time, he entered the Academy
in 1826.  His forefathers were among the best
of the people in Virginia, he was of Scotch
descent, his Ancestors being of the McGregor
Clan, (among whom was Rob Roy) noted for
their skill in cattle lifting.  The General told
a story that during his travels in Scotland
he enquired of some county man if he had
ever heard of the Magruders, a name evidently
derived from McGregor.  The man replied in the
negative but when the General told him that the
name was really McGregor, the man said ok
yes, he had seen one hung for cattle stealing.