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Camp near Falmouth Va May 9th 1863
Dear Ma & Pa,
I wrote to you on the 6th but thinking the letter would not
git to you I take this oppitunity of writing you a gain when
the excitement of battle is over and we once more come to our
sober thoughts. I came out of the battle of Fredericksburg
with a slight wound which ownly disableded for a little
while as I went to the rear as I did not know how bad I had
been hurt. Some may blame me for this but I do not care. I
was hit once and I was bound not to get hit the secund time.
I will tell you how it was. Our regiment at day light on Sunday
or at lease 6 Co. Of us was ordered by General Wheating to charge
on the famis stone wall right back of the city of Fredericksburg
our troops having crossed thE river about 2 miles belough the
town on the night of Saterday and marched into the town the
next morning with slite loss our regiment taking the lead
into the town. It was just at the brake of day when we was
ordered to charge and charge we did. The rebels wated untill
they thought we had came near anough when they opened a merderus
fire on to us. We had ownly time to fire one voly into them when
our Colonal gave us orders to fall back or we would all have