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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

Rome, December 16th 1862

Tuesday night

My Darling Mother,

I received your welcome letter, just

the day I sent my letter to Father to the office, so

deferred writing for some days. I am now waiting

with great anxiety to hear something of the battle

of Fredericksburg; our Monday's mail brought no-

thing but the Petersburg paper, which contained only

Gen Lee's report - that we had gained a great victory

though at the expense of many brave men, oh I

do so dread to hear who, every battle takes some of our

relations or friends. Do write me what you hear.

I should think Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Gordon would

have been too near the fight to to remark, and from

little Sallie Randolph what a time they must have

had. Mr. Tucker has not yet returned from the south

nor has Mrs. Tucker heard from him since he left.