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<p>There were thousands of troops in town.</p>
<p>There were thousands of troops in town.</p>
<p>[left side of diary]</p>
<p>[right side of diary]</p>
<p>28. &nbsp;DIMANCHE. &nbsp;S. Samson.</p>
<p>29. &nbsp;LUNDI. &nbsp;Ste Marthe.</p>
<p>Walked to Villiers 1 1/2 Kil.</p>
<p>in evening. &nbsp;People did not</p>
<p>get home from fields until</p>
<p>8:45 P.M. &nbsp;At 9:15 town was alive</p>

Revision as of 18:35, 4 February 2022


[left side of diary]


26.  VENDREDI.  Ste Anne.

Usual work

Advised at 2 P.M. that

we would move at 11:30 A. M.

following day.

Retired at 10:30 P.M.


27. SAMEDI.  Ste Nathalie.

Arose at 7 A.M.  Had bkfst.

at 7:35.  Packed up.  Super-

vised the packing of other offices.

Three trucks arrived at 11 A.M.

Loaded some.  Departed at 12:10 noon.

Arrived at Nanteuil sur Marne,

Marne et Seine, at 1:15 P.M.

Found chateaux for Adjutant's

Office.  Set up offices.  Assigned

sleeping quarters for men.  My room

was over non-com. mess with [Pot?? & ???]

There were thousands of troops in town.


[right side of diary]


28.  DIMANCHE.  S. Samson.



29.  LUNDI.  Ste Marthe.

Walked to Villiers 1 1/2 Kil.

in evening.  People did not

get home from fields until

8:45 P.M.  At 9:15 town was alive






