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                                                                   Punxsutawney Jefferson Co

Aprl the 16 1866

                  Miss Geat Der sistter

I Seat my Self this Butiful Sabbeth

Morning to ancer your Welcom letter

that Came to hand on the first day

of Aprel and was Pleas to here from

you Both.  I Just State that we ar

all wel but Mollie is Still grunting

A Round.  have Nutthing of Enny

importance to Rite to you at Present.

I have delaid Riting or Ancering

you Letter hoping you will be Kind

A Nuff to Parden Me.  We ar doing

verry wel at Present time.  I am

going to Commence bissness in

the Plase where we move to this

Spring.  Hoping that Mollie will

Get wel a gane and you get

here you and h hur will have

A Jollie time

Moll thinks that As She hase

bin Sick So long that she can

Com aff  after you As I can be

making Somthing While She is

gon after you.  Sow if She gets

Wel you May Expect to See her

in Verginna with her littel

yankkee daughter.

Wel I Expected you to have bin

here be fore now but you now the

Reasenes whigh I did not come.

I thought from your last letter that

you was Som what in Clind to

be impacint.  I have felt un

plesent a bout it.  I hop you wil

not decline the [Rider?] of coming.

Mollie Ses that you Must Hold on

to your yankee Preasher till She

Comes to Verginnie. Wel yet I

think that is a [?] Spirrit to

Manufest for all Mallis and hatred

Should be Exturminated from our


I feel that the Cheaf

Magistrat of this [a?] N Stats

Wil Work for the intrest of His Peepel

his Corse has bin Regard as a

prudent Corse.  Yet if I am in

Yankeedom I dont approve of ther

Corse in Evry thing they do in

State a farse.  I am a demacrat and

Proud of the Name. and ther is plenty

of them here. and in Corse of time

the Repubcun Partee will be a Shame

of ther Sl Seles the Name of the

Partee. Thay will be lik the

Nownuthing in time past will

be glad to Secret them selevs

and in obcurity for Ever.

Wel I get a long fine with the peepel

out here for all the difrence of opinion

I love to live her fine fine I think

You wold lik it to if you

was here ther is a grat Meny

of our quntent wold be pleas

to See you.

Nothing More for the Present

give my love to all my

frends and reserve a porsion

of it for your Self

ancer this soon as you

get it Sow I may may

Here from you all

Your Bruther in love

J. W. Thomas

PunxSutawney Jefferson Co Pa

August 19 1866


          My Dear Sister

I ocupy My Self this Morning to Rite to

you for the last time in till you ancer this

Letter.  I cant not inder Stand Whigh it

is that our Corrospondance is Stopt for

a While you Have not ancer My last

Letter that I Ritten to you and you

Must assine Good Reasens for it Sister

or no apoligee will ancer in your case

unless your ded then that is the only thing

that Can Save you in this case but it

is sumthing Strange that you Have not

ancer our letter if you Have Reseve them

an Evin if you did not you mite of

Ritten to us Enny Way for the cumfurt

of Hearing from you all, and Mack

Has not Ritten Ether  and if neather

one of you cant Rase Money Enuf

I send you som for to Pay Postage

[Jenta?] I Have Ran to Postoffice till

I Have gotten tiurd of as[k]ing for

letter from you. our Postmaster told me

the last male day that you Had forcaken

us for he held all your letters from

Evry body Els he Ses that is the

best Hand Riting that comes to

this office. of the feemale Espesally

Well Geat I Have nuthing of Enny

importance to Rite to you at Present time

the Helth of our family is good but

Mollie Helth is Verry bad. She is

coming back in a bout Six

Weeks Just as soon as she can

get Redy for to com back for this

Conttry dos not a gree with Her.

She seames to be leaving Her life

By inches in the last few monts.

I Shal do all I can to Render Comfort

and Hapiness While I Have Her[.] Geat

You now I Have bin good to your

Sister. While She Has bin my


I going to Stay till Spring Till I

Settel up [strikethrough] my bisness then I aming

back to ther if nuthing Happenes

for if I live I Have Somthing a Hed

then I am Going Settel My Self

for life Som whare for I am geting

tiurd this Moving a bout so mush

though I had mony Here. this time

of the year is the time to make mony

Here[.] Sow I want to stay till Spring

and locked up my bisness till then

and make all i can till that time

for bound to Settel in old Vergina

if life lasts. though I do not Regret

Coming Here a taal nor she dont Ether

but that [Relase?] thay call P Chears

Her [fan?]ted Spirit up but yet I

Must Say that name sonds [?]eat to

Me though if the Peepel Has not

Shoune me that tribbut of Respect

that thay Shoud in time Rust

I often think of the Fact ther is a

ther is a Plase where [Serits?]

blend Wher frends Hole V

Hold fella ship with frends

though Sonder far By fath thery

ment a Round ona Common

murcy Seat, I Have a Hop

of meeting you all a gane

Sister Geat fase to fase it seems

Hard to be Separated from you

all and Mollie Heth is So bad

that I think She Had better

Go back A mong Her frends

and as Soon as I get my

bisness Settel up I com to

Nuthing is mor comfitable

then to be comfitable and

Happy.  My bushes is gring fine

the Girl is So Hansom and yet

you may now I love Her

Now Geat ancer this letter

Soon as you get this do not

de lay it befor She Starts Home

nuthing more

[right margin]

Your afficate Bruther J W Thomas

                                                                                                      Co Pa

Punxsatawny  Jefferson

Oct the 7 1866

                   My Dear Sister

i Sister  I Seat my Self to Rite

to you a gane I Should Like to now

What is the Reason that you dont

Rite to us Enny more. it is Somthing

strang indeede. Whe Have bin

Wating Pasionly for a ancer from you

to now if you ar Coming or Not.

Mollie Had Concluded to Com but

thought that She cold not make the

[Jount?] with Her Chailddren I thoug

ht it a Rong Move for Her to start

By Her Self to Vergina. So She

Has Concluded to Stay till Spring

and we all go to gether but

We Want you to Com if you

Have Concluded or desided what

to do in this case. the mony is

Redy for you E Enny

time you Want to Com out Here

if We are Coming that is no

Reason that you do not Com

out to See us and the Country.

We got a letter from Jane not long

Senes. Mollie is ancering that today

and I thought that I cold Rite to

You once more for the last time

and in form you that we live in

Regret. Now Geat I want you to

ancer this letter and till us what you

are a going to do if you ar coming

Say So if you are going to Stay say

so. Sow we will be Satisfide in

this Matter. We Have com to the

Conclusion that Your mad at us

or Somthing is in the wind that we[re?]

not of I Resevd a Paper from

Som of you I thought it strang that

ther was no letter with it I Suppose that

Mack Sent this letter  Paper to me

as I Sent Him one of Mine.

Wel Geat We are all Well at Present

time but My Self I Have a bad Cold

our Children ar Helthee and Mollie

Health is geting better then it was

the last time I Ritten to you. Perhaps

the Reason you did not Rite you was

Wating for Mollie to com. if you

Have that as your Excuse you ar

Excusihed. We Shal stay till Spring

then we are going to leave Here to Hunt

a Home in our Suthren Sole. We want

you to com out if you can as Have

told you the Mony is Redy for you

if Mack sent this Paper tell Him to

Send me that. and if you com i

Express the Mony With yours.

and if you do not com I Send

it in the Se Same Way to Him.

Now Geat ancer this letter Rite

off sow if you ar going to com

you may com before cold

Wether comes.

Nuthing More at Present

but Remane your

Frend un till deth

J W Thomas

          Dear Geet as Mr. Thomas

has to you I thought I would

rite a few lines to you wee

have writen so often and you

wont right to and why is

it are you mad at us or

have you not time. I think

you would have more time

to right than me for my

little babys are so much truble

well are all well at presant

but petty he is complaining

to day o geet you ought to

see my too sweat little pets

Edy and Willie is going to

school and Chirstan has pants on

to day and you ought to see him

give my love to all  MM Thomas


you must come soon / right soon  / as you get [along margin] this [at top of page]

March the 24

Cass Countie Ga Near

Kingston 3 1/2 miles

Dear Sister

            it is with the gratest plesure that I write to you

this plesant Sabeth morning to let you no

that I am well and in fine Spirits and truly

hop that when thies few lines comes to hand

tha will finde you and Jane. Henry, Ginny is

in the best of helth. Well Sister I supose

you think that it is a long time be fore I write

but wee did not get here untill laste Sunday

night and I tell you that we had a hard time

a geting here wee had to [la?] over So often on the

accounte of the high water and the bridges being wash

a way and the Slides in the roads. Geet you talk of

going to Maries by your Self but if you meat with

the diffaculties that I did you will not get there

but if you take my advise you will not Starte a lone

but if Thomas donte come after you this Summer and

if I donte like this plase I will go with come to Va

this April and go with you out there and if I like

this plase I will com after you and Bring you out here

I think this plase will be the plase for me for it is

Sertanly the holliest parte of the World I Saw

to Dr Harris and he ses it is the helthiest part

of the Cuntry that he ever lived in. I went to worke

laste tusday morning wee are working in the woods

at a Steam Sawmill and there is lots of virgin

here and wee are Bording with a olde man that

lived near Palls Mill by the name of

Smith.  it is not lonsom here altho there is

not much of a [Siler?] here but it is more

lively in town  wee will get the house framed

this week and the [?] will moove nearer

town and wee will worke there three or four

months well Sister I will stop when you

write to mollie giv my love to them all

my love to you all rite soon and tell

me all the nuse and tell mee Where Dan

Bowers is and whether he has took up with

his wife

                        nothing more pleas excuse this

                        bad writing for I am out of practis

                        your brother

                                    Hilie E. Hatfield

                                    to Geat


                                    Cass Countie


                                                                                                                                    1867                                                                                                                August the 16

Kingston Cass Countey


                        Dear Sister I seate my Self

this beautiful Sabeth morning to let you no that

I am now a little beter this morning Since I

rote you the laste leter  I hav ben Sick and hav

bin worse of[f] then the firste time but think

I am impruvin a gain[.] I wente to Church last Sunday

with Maj Archer and the girls and had a Chill at the

Church and Stoped at Cass Mill and rested a while and

then we came home and a thursday had nother I

think I hav get them Stoped at the presant if I can

keepe them Stoped tho I Sertainly hav a Splendid

plase to and hav the best of attention  I think I will

Soon be abel to worke[.] it goes harde with me

to do nothing but we will take every thing

Chearful and Not complain  Sister I hope you

Will getalong beter then you hav bin geting a longe I will

do all I can for you but I am far from you and

donte no what will befall me but I hope I will

hav god helth and if I do I will try and com

to (Va) the fall 1868 [box around "1868"] I like this plase so well

but hav bin Sick but A persin is liable to get Sick

eny where[.]  Geate I wish you and Mollie and thomas

was out here and then I woulde be So hapey but I

hope we will meete Some time be fore longe[.]  tell

Mollie that I woulde like to See Her famley s[o]much

tell Eddie to be a good boy and I will come to see him

Geet the Widow has gon to abaptising and lefte

me at home[.]  there is grate revivle a goin on at a

plase in the Sevingteenth called Masadonie I am

not able to go to day but I hope I will be

well in a Shorte time to go with her

          Well Sister I will Stop for I am so weak that

I haf to Stop so often

            Geat the Widow Ses She was going to

rite a Shorte peas to you and you muste be Shore and

ancer it  Sister I donte no whether to ende this

to Newtown or to Bh [encircled] but I gess you will get it

            So I will Stop my love to you

            all  [rite] Soon and tell me all

            the news

                                    Yours truley

                                    [Hilie] E. Hatfield

                                    pleas excuse the bad  
