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Abbeville C. H. May 15 1864
My beloved wife
I feel considerably
reassured since I have received several
letters from you altho but one is of recent
date this last letter received from you
was written just before I left Darlington.
In this [?] the first was last.
I wish that you could enjoy the great
quantity of roses which are now blooming
in the [minister's] garden I have heard
taht he had one hundred and fifty
varieties [?] bush (I think the cloth of
gold) very large and in full bloom
is. I think the most maj[?]
s[?] I [?] be [?] in the shape
of a rose bush that are many other
very attractive flowers in the garden
The white Peonies (is that the way to spell it)
are larger and more beautiful than I ever
saw before.

I have a very large and [?] room
in a [?] [?] Hotel I have it [?]
acoompanied by Charleston refugees all
of them are c[?] and said to be very
refined and well educated the radiant
lady of the [?] in the [?] herself to
me a day or to ago on my way down stairs
and stated that the ladies would be
pleased to see me whenever I would call
on them. The old lady was very [?] man-
ner and is of course of the one [?] in
this state I think of [?] the rest to
[?] but about [?] p[?] of bearvy
to [?] [?] [?] and all
of them to treat strangers to me.
I often wish when eating [?] that I
could transfer my plate to you. The
gentleman with whom I am boarding has
and c[?] and when there are supply or sugar
added to the strawberries therest is in
compound which is very palatable Don't
you wish you had some? Tantalizing!
I have had very respecable numbers of
[?] but to [?] and [?]
