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Hd. Qrs. Camp on Vally Mt.
                            Sept. 8th 1861
My dear Mr Myers
    I received yours of the 31st Aug. some
days since and am much indebted to you for it.
I write now and enclose you $36.00 and a bill
of Raglan + Bro for $35.35 against Gen. Lee, but
in reality for articles I bought for our mess and which
I neglected it seems to pay whe [struck-through]  before leaving Rich-
-mond.  I have thought of it several times, but
expected from week to week to return, but as
far as I can see we are as far off as ever – x
I therefore wish to pay it without further delay.
Will you please pay them for me with the enclosed
& apologize for my apparent neglect.
Raglan and Brothers are on Main St, a square or
two bet [struck-through] below the Spotswood.
            Our forces are advancing ["are advancing" underscored], and but that we
have been so [struck-through] often disappointed I would tell
you to ‘look out’ [underscored]. as it is, I can only say
that if the Yankees are as hard to get through
as the mud [underscored], we shall have terribly hard

[page break]

fighting before we can look through Cheat Mountain
and shake hands with Genl. Jackson and have him join
us in our march towards Beverly & I hope Grafton
and the Ohio –
    However, we must soon know all that can be known
upon the subject, for in strict confidence [underscored] we must
fight or starve – or runaway –
    With kindest regards to your family & N[ottie?]
when you see or write to him
        Believe me very faithfully yours
            John A Washington [underscored]
P.S. Keep Ragland’s recpt. for me.