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Blackwell-have my kind thanks for their
activity, zeal, and intelligence in carrying orders
and the proper discharge of their duties. <del>intelli
=gence in Carrying orders and the proper discharge
of their duties.</del>

Revision as of 16:07, 3 February 2012

This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

Headquarters Right Wing June 10th 1862 Major: Agreeably to verbal instructions from the Commanding General, the diaision of Maj. Gen. D. H. Hill was on the morning of the 31st [ulkims?] farmed at an early hour on the William -sburg road as the Calumn of attack upon the enemy's front on that road. A brigade was placed on each side of the road to ad- -vance to the attack, and each was supported by one of the other brigades of the same division. In advance of each of the Columns of attack a regiment as skirmishers were was deployed. The plan for the forward movement was that fields should be passed by a flank movement of the regiment of skirmishers, and the woods in front, once in our posession, the brigader


were to advance rapidly, occupy them, and move rapidly forward. Abatis and entrenched positions were ordered to be taken by a flank movement of the brigades or brigade in front of them, the skir =mishers engaging the sharpshooters and the supporting brigade occupying the position of the brigades during the flank movement. The division of Major General [Heuger?] was intended to make a strong flank movement around the left of the enemy's position and attack him in rear [of?] that flank. This division did not get into position, however, in time for any such attack, and I was obliged to send three of my small brigades on the Charles City road to support the one of Major. General Heuger's which had been ordered to protect my right flank, After waiting some six hours for these


troops to get into position I determined to move forward without regard to them, and gave orders to that effect to Maj. Gen. DH Hill. The forward movement began about 2 o'clock, and our skirmishers soon became engaged with those of the enemy. The entire division of General hill became engaged about 3 o'clock, and drove the enemy steadily back, gaining posession of his abatis and part of his entrenched Camp, General R[?]hodes, by a movement to the right, dri- -ving in the enemys left. The only re-enforcement on the field in hand were my own brigades, of which Anderson's, Wilcox's, and Kemper's were put in by the front on on the Williamsburg road, and Calston's and Pryor's by my right flank; Calston's just in time to turn the


enemy's flank. At the same time the decided and gallant attack made by the other brigades gained entire posession of the enemys position, with his artillery, Camp equippage, [?]. Andersons brigade, under Colonel Jenkins, pressing forward rapidly, Con- -tinued to drive the enemy until night fall. The severest part of the work was done by Maj. Gen. D.H. Hill's division, but the attack of the two brigades under General R.H. Anderson -one Commanded by Colonel Kemper (now brigadier General), the other by Col. M. Jenkins- was made with such spirit and regularity as to have driven back the most determined foe. This decided the day in our favor. General Picketts brigade was held in reserve. General Pryor's did not succeed in getting upon


the field of Saturday in time to take part in the action of the 31st. Both, however, shared in repulsing a serious attack upon our position on Sunday, the 1st instant, Picketts brigade bearing the brunt of the attack and repulsing it. Some of the brigades of Major General Heu -ger's division took part in defending our position on Sunday, but, being fresh at the work, did not show the same steadiness and determination as the troops of Hill's division and my own. I have reason to believe that the affair would have been a Complete success had the troops upon the right been put in position within eight hours of the proper time. The want of promptness on that part of the field and the


Consequent severe struggle in my front so greatly reduced my supply of ammunition, that at the late hour of the move on the left I was unable to make the rush necessary to relieve that attacks. Besides the good effect produced by driving back such heavy masses of the enemy, we have made superior soldiers of several brig- -ades that were entirely fresh and unreliable. There Can scarcely be a doubt about our ability to overcome the enemy upon fair field. The Conduct of the attack was left entirely to Major General Hill. the entire success of the affair is sufficient evidence of his ability, Courage, and skill. I refer you to his report for particular mention of the Conduct of his


officers and soldiers, I will mention Brigadier General Rhhodes, of that division, as distin- -guished for Coolness, ability, and determination. Hes made one of the most important and decisive movements on the field and held his Command some hours after receiving a severe wound. My own troops have been so often tried and distinguished on other fields that they need n praise from my lips. A truer, better body of men never marched upon a battle field. I will mention, however as distinguished for their usual gallantry and ability, General's, R.G. Anderson, CM. Wilcox, Geo. E. Pickette, R. E. Calston, and Roger A. Pryor, and Colonels Kemper and Jenkins, (Commanding brigades) Corse, Winston, Funstew, and Sydenham Moore,


the latter twice shot, once severely wounded. I desire also to mention the Conspicuous Courage and energy of Capt. James Dearing, of the Lynchburg Artillery, and his officers and men. His pieces were served under the severest fire, as his serious loss will attest. Captain Carter, of General Hill's, division, also displayed great gallantry and skill, in the management of his battery. Brig. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart, in the absence of any opportunity to use his Cavalry, was of material service by his presence with me on the field. My personal staff- Majors G.U. Sarrel, J.W. Fairfax, P.T. Manning, and Capts. Thomas Garee, Thomas Walton, and my young aide Lieutenant


Blackwell-have my kind thanks for their activity, zeal, and intelligence in carrying orders and the proper discharge of their duties. intelli =gence in Carrying orders and the proper discharge of their duties.