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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.-Gil E
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Septenper th 31 1861
virginia fairfax county
and deare father I
let you know that
we left Washington
Septemper th 27 and
now we ar in virginia
and we ar all well
and i like it first
trate so fare and i
let you know that
we was on picket
gards and we have
take three prisaner
and one hors and
we exbect a battle
every day and i
let you know
that we was
cault out three
tines for in a battle
and the repels
dident com and
yesterday the have
got a battle and
our man did wipt
the  in a shorte
time and i let
you know that
i have seene more
sins i left home
that i have seene
in my life and
let me know if
you git our cloes
an[crossed out] and i would
to[crossed out] sent[crossed out] be[crossed out] like to
sent my likeness
if i can and i
can git nos[crossed out] no
chanes and i sink
i come home in
abute too or three mones
if i can and this
is all as i can
write for this time
and you need excuse
my bat writeing
and spelling for i
have no time and no
plase to write
and write me as
sune as  you git
this in youre
hant and so much
from youre sun
Emanuel Peter
Jacob Peter
Direct your letder
to Washington City
[enens?] 49 regmend [?]
in care of Cap McRay

Revision as of 16:51, 1 March 2013

3 4

Septenper th 31 1861

virginia fairfax county and deare father I let you know that we left Washington Septemper th 27 and now we ar in virginia and we ar all well and i like it first trate so fare and i let you know that we was on picket gards and we have take three prisaner and one hors and we exbect a battle every day and i let you know


that we was cault out three tines for in a battle and the repels dident com and yesterday the have got a battle and our man did wipt


the in a shorte time and i let you know that i have seene more sins i left home that i have seene in my life and let me know if you git our cloes


an[crossed out] and i would to[crossed out] sent[crossed out] be[crossed out] like to sent my likeness if i can and i can git nos[crossed out] no chanes and i sink i come home in abute too or three mones if i can and this is all as i can write for this time and you need excuse my bat writeing and spelling for i have no time and no plase to write and write me as


sune as you git this in youre hant and so much from youre sun

Emanuel Peter Jacob Peter

Direct your letder to Washington City [enens?] 49 regmend [?] in care of Cap McRay