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April 18 th 1861.  My dear diary I have been wanting to talk to you for a
April 18 th 1861.  My dear diary I have been wanting to talk to you for a
long time. Have not had *** Mid Pg. Six ***
long time. Have not had opportunity till now. All are down stairs.

Latest revision as of 01:25, 18 January 2012

This item iis currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

Galt 1/9

Saturday 28th July 1860

I now commence my first journal and it is with trembling. I hate to use this good book it never will make any show. I went to town this morning. Mr. ??? S. Wilson wanted to make Papa pay for a pr shoes which I did not get. I went to town with him but did not go to the store. Everybody says the greatest piece of bare – faced impudence they ever heard of is Frank Wood's coming back here. He got here at 12 o'clock last Saturday. Mr. Beale and some more of that set locked arms with him and they went to dinner. I was walking out a few days ago and saw him across the [?way] through a spy-glass. He had the impudence to walk right by Mr. Valentine's gate. He says he just came to tell everybody that he is to be married to a very rich lady poor thing ! Grandma is here but is going Friday. Dr. Warren spent the evening here this evening. Drinker is study- ing with Papa now. I am drawing the first head I ever tried [?any] to draw am not trying much with this. Hope I shall succeed.

                                       Sunday 29th  

I was just thinking about going to church today (Mr. Hart's day) talking to Grandma about going it was so cloudy. Papa advised me not to go. I took his advice it rained nearly all the morning some in the evening. Late in the evening all of us took a walk down by the creek. Went almost as far as the mulberry tree. Got some little apples. Pappa and Grandma sat out on the porch and talked late tonight. I have left them talking. I helped George to write to his sister today. He had a [?cry[. We got full of [?seed] ticks on our walk. Monday 30th I did not get to breakfast very soon today. Before I was done some- body came and told us that [?Miss] Jane Thompson was dead. Has been in bed only 7 days delirious almost all the time. [?Mrs.] Finny went there today. Fannie Woltz is very sick. Hope she and [. here?]

Galt Journal 2/9

  Douthat both will recover. I believe Mr. [?Sayers] has gone for

his license today. Expect Dr. Mike has gone with him. I finished my drawing Saturday, but am going today to correct some faults in the [?neck]. I never had a drawing on any kind of good picture to copy by. I can't be expected to do much. Hope Coz. Grittie will come soon. George Chahoon will not come this evening as he expected. He has gone to Alleghany. It has rained almost all day. Cousin Susan, Sue, and Lallie came out to see Grandma today. Tuesday 31st Spent all the morning mending my brown [?lawn]. Judy told Mother she was sick a little while before dinner. Sent her up to bed. She took a long sleep. Hope she will not get sick. Papa came home and told us that Mr. Garus had invited us to his wedding.[ ​​​​????] Papa says he came up to him with “Will Galt you are the very man I want to see. I am going to commit suicide tomorrow – that is am going to take somebody on my arm.” Papa said he thought he was going to do as much as suicide. Miss Ann Cecil is rich and is 53 yrs. Old so people say who know she gave age to the sensus taker 35. Mr. [Gargars?] is 27. It is said his uncle owes her estate $10,000. That is why he is so anxious for him to marry her. Grand- ma and I want to go to the wedding. Wish Dr. Mike would stop for us. Wednesday 1st Aug. Was sweeping out the portico this morning [?all] at breakfast when Martha L. came up stairs she stayed right long had been to the store is going to Springs tomorrow. I went to far so [?Mr.] Farises with her to see about my dress. I got some of Miss Ann Cecil's bridal and second day's dress. In the evening Miss Bett Mrs. Clarke, Johnnie and Bir- ny came. Thursday Dr. Mike came out here this evening says he had a very pleasant time Tuesday 7th 1860 August. I have lately nearly deserted my dear journal. Last Friday Grandma went away and I went down to the boat with her then went over to cousin Susan's [?staidbil]. Mothr sent for me then came out to my dear, dear sweet Mountain Home and then Mother told me that we would have to leave it. I came up the dear stairs and had a cry and prayed

Galt Journal 3/9 God to make us do right to make Papa get well and to let us stay up here and to let Papa prosper then I went down and after dinner we were all in the chamber, Papa, Mother, and I. Papa asked me how I liked the idea of going to Norfolk to live. I told him I did not like it at all. Then Mother said no I liked low company and so on and hurt my feelings so I could not help crying. Then Papa explained all to me how it was for our good and good his health and all, but the idea of leaving the dear mountains and my dear Mountain Home would not allow me to think of anything else. It was certainly the most miserable day I ever spent. I hope I shall never spend shcu another. Saturday I felt dreadfully all day. I believe George Chahoon came in the evening. May Our Father in Heaven guide and direct us ! Sunday 5th I went to church hurd Mr. Whittle read. I do not think he reads very well and heard Mr. Meridith preach. Came near being caught in the rain – rained all day off and on. Yesterday Monday spent almost all day making a baby dress for Sue. Papa told me yesterday that he was going to Norfolk to- morrow. He has had a splendid offer of the academy. I hope all is for the best. I trust in God may he guide us and make us do right for he only knows. Tuesday Today Mother is fixing papa's cloths. We heard that Fanny Woltz was dead but we heard better. I have to stop to finish carving a face theat I think I shall send to Uncle Jimmie. Drinker is to board with Papa and go to school to Papa and I am to go to Baltimore to his sister. May God Bless and make us do right. Wednesday My dear, dear Papa started today is going to make arrangements for our going on to see if we will go. May he do whay is right and may he have a pleasant trip. Dr. Warren carried me to see Mrs. Gorgus did not see Mr. Gorgus has got a bad boil. The parlor is furnished splendidly. Was introduced to Mr. Ricks, Gorgus's cousin.

Galt Journal 4/9 Nov. 18th 1860. How many things have happened since I last wrote any in you my dear journal. What a state our country is in now since Lincoln has been elected. South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama going to rebel – be another republic. Buchanan is going to call a convention to see what to do. Everybody expects war, insurrection, or like it. I go to school to Mr. Whiting. Papa has 76 schollars. Went today to Christ Church saw Mrs. Ambler think Mr. A. will have an opportunity of getting married again by her looks. March 10th , 1861. Went home with Emily week after Christmas. Carried John. Came back by three weeks. Went back in 3 days took Sue & John staid 5 weeks. Got back yesterday week met on boatt came here been staying ever since going away tomorrow to my great joy. Came to see. Been worried almost to death by being asked to go shooting, to walk, etc. Been going to school ever since I got home. Made mad – Mother's been quarrelling with me ever since been here because don't treat – polite. March 13th. Well I am thankful---- C. has at last gone. Boat left him Monday been worried nearly to death by__. Been making calico dress had to stay at home. Levy Inghram came to see us this morning did not ask for me at first had to dress in a great hurry. Almost by time I had undressed again Coz. Annie Capron? & Priss Silvester came first time seen Priss for 10 years. She wept nearly all the time is a very sweet girl. Caperons gotten letters from Charlotte who says nobody would know Mr. Harris now – is much improved. Law knows enough room for it. Made him take off those hateful big collars. Mother to my great disgust has asked Coz Ann to come & spend some time with us. People think our dear Virginia will do right and the union will be saved. Am going to walk with E. Baker this evening. Mr. B. comes regular every other night.

Galt Journal 5/9 March 14th Thursday Went to walk yesterday with Emily Baker. Last night Mother,Bob & I went around to Grandma's who was sick all day & I believe all today. Just bad cold. Mrs. More two doors off just lost a little child – very much distressed. I am so sorry for them. Got up right late this morning when I went down Mother was in garden – eat breakfast & Judy & I cleaned up dining-room & parlor before she came in. Wrote a letter to Martha Lackland & one to Maria Munford asked Maria and Lollie to come down & see one. Don't think they will do it though. Marth 24th – Just from church. St. Paul's – went with Mary Smith, Willis Lyne sat with us – made me think of Mr. Okerson gave a very good sermon said one thing I had never before thought of. How God's grace could be taken from us & how it was taken from Judas from the time Christ said “Better had that man never had been born who should betray him” & because God's grace had been taken from he had the presumption to ask “Lord is it I?” How awful when God's grace shall be taken from us as it will if we do not do better. Tom More Wilkerson just died – going to be buried this evening all the company's to turn out. What good will all that pomp etc. do him now? “Surely all is vanity.” Uncle Jimmie is here to dinner today. He has the use of a buggy now. Will have one of his own soon. I have had tooth-ache very badly lately – face is now all swelled up. Saw someone in church who took for Fanny Bernard from likeness to Dr. Bob. She is now Mrs. Rowland – poor thing it is pitiful to look at her. I have heard she was once so joyous & happy – now she looks crushed. Is this woman's destiny the instrument of mans pleasure to be his slave to pet or punish when he pleases ? This is the first day of passion week if I could only keep it as I ought. Saturday 30th. Last day of Lent but one. Aunt Nancy Jeffery died 27th. Seems like all the old ones of the family are going. Just cousin Susan Valentine & Coz Booth Archer & Coz Camilla Loyal & Coz Fannie Timberlake. Coz Gabe & wife & child & Coz Annie are staying here. Coz Mary at Coz Aaron's.

Galt Journal 6/9 Don't know how long they will stay. Coz Gabe going to Baltimore or Philadelphia today. Mother's Coz Maggie and Annie gone down town now. Cut off my first piece of Cameo today. Wonder if I'll ever doo anything with it. The King alone knows. Last Tuesday accidentially looked at a locket Kate Chapman had. I know now I ought not to have done it - did not think when I did it. She flew in a passion & says she'll never forgive me. Am very sorry I did it. "What's done can't be undone." Want dreadfully to see to find out if I really do care any thing for the creature. Left ear has been itching. Really wonder if there is any truth in the sign. Tuesday a party expect to go on the "Pennsylvania" to dance & Mary Whiting expects to give a party Wednesday. Am invited to both but can't go as we have just lost our Aunt. Wonder what will ever become of me if I'll ever get well or not. "The Lord is my shepard. I shall not want." I ought to rest satisfied. I try to do right. I know I ought. I did go to Mary's & met them for the first time. [?Persen] Kempe danced with him 1st set very handsome but very conceited - made a great deal of by girls here & I [?] he is for me.

April 18 th 1861. My dear diary I have been wanting to talk to you for a long time. Have not had opportunity till now. All are down stairs.
