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Since out last issue many startling events have take place - many changes of an important nature have occurred And yet the world moves on as usual.
Since out last issue many startling events have take place - many changes of an important nature have occurred And yet the world moves on as usual.
The old year which has wrought such direful changes in our national affairs has closed upon us - And a new one which promises to be still more eventful has dawned upon the world.
The old year which has wrought such direful changes in our national affairs has closed upon us - And a new one which promises to be still more eventful has dawned upon the world.
Within the last week a great battle has been fought & won by the Union - forces - since which "Old Abe's" spirits have been on the rise. New hopes have kindled within his breast. A new idea has taken possession of his great mind and it is said that a complacent smile has been known to rest upon his troubled countenance. What great scheme he has in contemplation it is impossible for us to tell. But we hope in our next issue to make some very important dis-closures & relieve the minds of our readers on this important subject(.) If we may be allowed to express our opinion, we would say that he intends to turn (page 1, second column) the army against the marauding band of thieves in the way of Government Officials. This we think would be a master stroke of policy & would elicit praise from the whole nation. For certainly we never can expect to conquer traitors untill we drive the thieves from our midst, who are grabbing every thing that they can get hold of. -
The weather in this vicinity has been very bad for the past 2 weeks. it has been storming almost incessantly - The roads are almost impassable and it is impossible for the soldiers to get out on foot to drill.__
Gen McClelland was sur[e (or said)] to pass through the camp yesterday

Revision as of 18:03, 22 January 2013

This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text of this document available soon.

Herald Office


A Journel published Semi Occasionally at the Convenience of the Editor - Terms $2 per Annum Friends half price

H F Houstater Sole Editor & proprietor,

Mr Bonested Special Correspondent

(Page 1, first column)

Since out last issue many startling events have take place - many changes of an important nature have occurred And yet the world moves on as usual. The old year which has wrought such direful changes in our national affairs has closed upon us - And a new one which promises to be still more eventful has dawned upon the world.

Within the last week a great battle has been fought & won by the Union - forces - since which "Old Abe's" spirits have been on the rise. New hopes have kindled within his breast. A new idea has taken possession of his great mind and it is said that a complacent smile has been known to rest upon his troubled countenance. What great scheme he has in contemplation it is impossible for us to tell. But we hope in our next issue to make some very important dis-closures & relieve the minds of our readers on this important subject(.) If we may be allowed to express our opinion, we would say that he intends to turn (page 1, second column) the army against the marauding band of thieves in the way of Government Officials. This we think would be a master stroke of policy & would elicit praise from the whole nation. For certainly we never can expect to conquer traitors untill we drive the thieves from our midst, who are grabbing every thing that they can get hold of. -

The weather in this vicinity has been very bad for the past 2 weeks. it has been storming almost incessantly - The roads are almost impassable and it is impossible for the soldiers to get out on foot to drill.__

Gen McClelland was sur[e (or said)] to pass through the camp yesterday