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Revision as of 12:09, 20 May 2020


Falls. Left rather early + walked home.

Next up to [Brinnie's] in the evening + [l...]

[N...] came + we played bridge.

Mon. Sept. 21st

E phoned to Frances this morning, + France

told her that a message had come that

morning from E and [l...] saying Margaret

[Kerr's] mother had died very suddenly early

this morning. Margaret + Mrs. [Allan] had

gone right down. Poor Margaret: if she only

could have been home. I do feel so sorry for

them all, especially Mr. [Kerr] + Lila. Next to

the [d...] in the afternoon + earlier went

up to the club to see Helen play her finals

against Miss [Bunnee]. I had to leave before

it was over, + soon after i got home Julie

arrived. &then Marge + E got home, we all

[rattled] away, [die] evening wedding plans

[ele]. + in the evening all four went down

to Miss [Bunneth] + [later or earlier] came home +
