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(Created page with "<html>Currently being transcribed<br /><br />Saturday and try and get a [watch?].  I got the <br />[loan?]of one for two weeks from John [C...alt?] it is<br />an ope...")
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Revision as of 11:52, 1 December 2017

<html>Currently being transcribed

Saturday and try and get a [watch?].  I got the 
[loan?]of one for two weeks from John [C...alt?] it is
an open face and keeps time right well.  I only 
[...ght?] three days this week. I did not do anything
on monday and on tuesday went for coal.  I have 
twenty two scholars on the list and this week I 
expect to have as many more.  I paid $2.25 for [coal?] 
and $2.50 [85?] for a hat i bought a knife a one 
of them broke i tried to get in town a [?] to 
Parks Arithmetic so you can see that my [mon...?] 
is coming to gether on a little small [...ile?].
There is no chance of buying a [?] down 
here as they hardly know what to ask for 
[?] $40 would buy a good watch and that is 
more money than i like tohave in a piece 
of furniture These Lincoln Times.  I want [Pap?] 
to try and get me a watch until i come home 
try and get Philip [?] [?] [?] done 
give him any more [?] i offered him which 
is 20 Dollars.  Lucinda says that [Pap?] and 
Kate shall bundle up and come down to 
see us as soon as you can get off.  I must 
close for this time as my paper is [done?] 
for.  From your Brother and [your?] [Jess?] 
we all write in sending our love to you all 
