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[p. 1]


august the 26 1880

My ever Dear Sister

            I received yours and ed

letter a few minets ago and hast

to reply but I am to nervis to

right this morning for I am So

mad to think that ed new our

condition when he left home

and I thought he went to try

to help u and he has never sent

me a sent yet. Now geet, I want

you to tel eddie that I say he

has to come home or go to work

and you tel the man that he

works for not to pay his wages

to him. If he dos I will make

him pay it over to me for I

am not going to put up with

him any longer.  Het and chart

[p. 2]

has to give all they make to us

and het is a man. Tel ed if

he could just ^see het and how

he works and he has to come home

and I can get him something

to do here now. I am not fooling

about it. I am so sorrow  to hear

you are sick and wish I was

cloce to you so I could help

you but wee are in such a

poore condition at this time that

I cant come. Mr. thomas is better

now but was very sick all

last weak. Is going some where

next weak to make something.

I could not tel you how I

have had it in the last three

years but my health is right

good only I am weak this sum

mer but I have so much truble

[p. 3]

that it keeps me weak. For ed

cases me a great deel of truble

and will never right to me any

more but he is his one man but

ed is not and I want him

to come right home and I find

Something for him to do. Their

is plenty of here that he can

get to do. If he has any money

coming to him pleas tel mr

fry to pleas see that he gets

it and send him home. If

he don’t come I will walk

down their and see about

him for I am allmost crasy

now and cant wait til

I here from you again. I

will thank you to right to

me about him  Geet if I could

get you one of the girls I would

send one of them to help you.

I will come if I can but if

mr. thomas gose I cant come. I

[p. 4]

move up their to live if I

could get their but if I

would part with what wee

have I am afraid I could not

get any more. Perhaps mr. thomas

will get in to something soon

that he can do better. If he dos

I am coming to see you this fall.

I hope you will get better soon.

Take as good care of your self as you

can.  I will have to close for the

presant.  All join me in love to you

all. Right very soon. As ever your

devoted sister. Right soon.

                                    Molley M. Thomas

Dear son I received your letter

and was glad to hear from you

but sorrow that you had no

money to send me. If you new

how bad I needed money last

weak you would work and try

and send us something. Now I want

you to get your money if you

[letter incomplete]

[p. 5]

                                                                                                            April the 21



            Dear Jiney i recken you tho

raugt that i had forgoten you

i hve not.  It has bin so long sence

i rote to you. I am ashame of my

selfe but you must excuse me this

time and i will do better in the

futer.  I am in tolerbel helth at

this time. Susan is not well

at this time She has not bin well

this winter. I hope when you get

this it may finde you and famely

in good helth and Doing well. It

has bin the werst spring for wet

and cold i ever seen and thare has

bin a grate del of sicknes and a grate

many deaths in ouer naberhood. It

is some helther now. Jiney i have

not bin to bridgwater for a yeare.

I am going down i a few weake. Tha

are all wel at this time. Times are

hard here. At thise time every thing

is scarce and high corne is from

seventy to 80 cents per bushel and very

scarse. Wheat i plenty at one dollar

per bushel. Jiney i think if

nothing hapens i will come to

see you this fall if i am spared

but i cannot tell what may

hapen. I wold be the gladest to see

you al but gods will be Done.

I am trusting in him. He nowse

best if i live til the twenty secken

day of june. I will be seventy eight

yeares old. Let us try to get to

heven whare parting will be no more

for ever more. Jiney you and mr

frye come to see me and bring

the childre wih you. Me and susan

want to see you and talk with

you and mr. Frye. Jiney rite as soon

as you get this and let me no how

you ^ all are now. Don’t make it so long.

I want to heare from you. Rite

to me if you no whare mary is.

Sende me her address.  Susan joines

me in love to you and [strikethrough illegible]

[p. 6]

wishing you all the good luck.

Excuse my bad righting my hand

trembles so i cant scarcley rite

no more at this time but remane

yore loving father

A. F. Hatfield


Jiney Frye

[p. 7]

                        Mckeesport Pa

                            Oct the 30 1884

            Dear Sister

                  After a long delay

I have at last taken my Seat

to ancer your kind and welcome

letter that I received So long

ago and thought I would

ancer it right away but mr

thomas Sent for me to move and

I had So much to do.  Then I

could not and I thought I would

right as Soon as I got moved.

So after I got her I was taken

Sick and could not have. I

am better and I will right

and let you know whear

I am. I in mckeesport living

in a brick house with five

[p. 8]

large rooms in it and have

ever thing very nice. Mr. thomas

was here a year before I came

and ^had ever thing nice for us

when wee got here. I hated

to leave P. very much but

mr. thomas could not get along

their and here he has plenty

to do and is getting along fine

and I must tel you that I

have it good for the girls dose

all the work. I don’t do nothing

but Sew. I have quilted three

quilts since I have bin here

This is a large city and a

very pretty place but the people

are So Strange to us yet I have

had severle calls. Have not

bin out much yet I see So

much and hear So much that

I dont care for going out. Their

is so much going on here no

[p. 9]

one can get lonesom. I wish

you could come to see me.

I gess it wont be so lively after

the election. The democrats have

a big turn out here to night.

Well I must tel you the  tube

tube works i right in front

of our house and they work

too thousand hands in it.

Ed and charley work their.

Ed bords at home. Is quite a

differant boy to what he

uste to be. Hurston and his

wife was at home. Stade six

weaks. Is working about five

miles from here and is bording

yet is going to housekeeping

soon. Well you wanted to know

when you should meet me.

I cant come this winter but

if I live til spring I am coming

[p. 10]

                                                            [? ]    [?]               



and then I can stay as long

as I want to and then I am

going up to see pappy if he

is living yet. Do you ever

hear from him. Right to me

as soon as you get this and

let me know if he is living

yet.  I am going to have my pictur

taken soon and send you

one by the next time I right.

My famley are all most grone

up and I have but very few

gray hairs in my head. I have

taken too trips on the steam

boat since I have bin here. They

are landing here all  the  thime.

Wee live 14 miles from pitsburg.

We pay 18 dollars a month rent.

Ever thing is right cheap but rent.

[p. 11]




















































Bridgewater Rockingham Co

                                                                        Ap 29th  188[6?]

Dear sister & Brother

                                         I take pleasure

in writing to you after so long a delay.

I feel asshame of not writing sooner.

We often talk of writing when I first

got home but something would come

in the way up to this time I though

of writing Last sunday when company

came in so to day I thought I [missing]

try and let you hear frome our

We ar well. A usel have some colds.

When I Reach home I suffered

very much with a misery in my

head for severl weeks.  I think I

must of taking cold.  I hope when

this reaches you it will find you

all well. I seen coot Fry. She was

[p. 12]

glad to hear from you and all

the folks that new you, sister.

Bet sed she was going to write

to you. I havent hered from sister

Jane since I have bin home.  I hered

that mrs. scott had bin very sick.

I wanted to go down to see them

but I reckon I wont get down

as I am very bisey to get redy

to go back to columbus. I think

[missing]ing back abut the 8th or 10th

of May so it will keep me buisey

to get redy. My folks ar not going

withe me as we cant sell our

property. They think it better to

stay and take care of the property

as renters never take care of

property as you would your self.

Old aunt salley williamson dyed

[p. 13]

                        Mr. P. M. D. Hatfield

                                    Bridgewater Va

since I have bin home with

olde age. Ther is some cases of

measels in town. Other ways  the

health is very good. The most

we have to contend with is hard

times. I have never seen sutch times

in bridgewater in my life in

the way of money maters.  We have

plenty of ever think to live on

but know money hardly to get

 it with. I want  to go when I can

get money for my work. I dont

think I can stop off to see you all

as I will get a ticket [missing]

cant stop off. I would like

very much to stop to see you.

I want you to write to me as soon

as you get this so I can hear

from you before I start west. We

wrote to sister Mary and have

hered from her. They was all

well. I also wrote to brother

[p. 14]

  Mr. P.M. D. Hatfield

hirriam and hered from him

and famley. They was all well

exsept his wife. She is still

in bad health. I think from what

he writs they are doing very well.

When you write let me hear how

you like your new home and

how you ar geting a long with

yor spring work. I guess you

ar redy to plant corn by this

time. I have my garden redy to plant.

Have all of my potatoes planted and

peas up. Wheat is looking well with

[missing] thing is looking nice considering

a cold spring up to the last fiew

days.  I will give you hirriams address

Ligon Bartow county Ga

I wrote and give him yor address after I

got home. Give the children my best

wishes and to be good boys and girls

Love from all to all

  Yors ever – P.M. D. Hatfield

[illegible note written across pages 13 and 14]

[p. 15]

                        [upside down]

you direct yor letter to

columbus Ohio

no 39 Rich street

in car of Mrs. M.I. Place


                                                Columbus Ohio

                                                     July 1st 1888

Dear Sister & Brother

                                        I take

pleasure this butiful Sunday

nigh in writing to you after

so long delay. I have bin thinking

of writing every since I have bin

out her – but something would

come in the way so this eving

I though I would let you hear

from me once more. This leaves

me well and harty.  I hered

from home.  Last week they

ware all well. No news exsept

Willey Lindsey died last monday

the twenty  25th fifth. The second son

of Jacob Lindsey. And they have

a good seasen as I guess you have.

[p. 16]

I left home on Thursday the

24th of May and would have

liked to stop off and sean

you all, but as I dident get

started as soon as I counted

on and the ticket I got I

couldent stop off. I come out

on nine dollars and seventy

five cents. The reasent I dident

get started sooner was on the

count of so much rain I couldent

get threw with my work I

had to do at home. When I

got to Harpers Fery I took the

rong train one ging by the

way of Parkersburg.  I stop[ed?]

off at cumberland for the

nex train and that one

was going to columbus but

was ging by the way of pitts=

burg. The conducter sed I could

[p. 17]

go on that train as

well as wait for the nex train

as I would get to columbus

as soon as to waid for the

nex train, so I went over the

same road I came home

threw MCKeesport saw Mary

house but couldent see any

of them and dident see

any one I new at the depot

so I went on with out leaving

any word as I couldent stop

off. If I had it would have

cost me six dollars and

fifty cents more. I could hardly

think of pasing by and not

stoping to see them when I

was in site of there house

but we cant do as wee would

Like to do at all times so when

I reach columbus I wrote to

Mary and told her that I past

[p. 18]

by and couldent stop to see

her. When I wrote to you I

dont know wheather I wrote

Herriams  Last address or

not.  if you haven’t hered from

him yet since I was to see

you, you direct yor Letter

to Ligon, Bartow county, ga

We got a letter from him a short

time be fore I Left home and

I hve fergoten wheather I give

you his Last address or not.

Now I want you and brother

Fry to write to me as soon

as you can and Let me know

how you ar get a long. Tell

the childring I would like

to se them all. I wrote to Mary to go

to see Mat & Ida to go by and take you

a long this summer.  love to all

 from yor Brother P.M. D. Hatfield

[p. 19]

                                    McKeesport Pa

                                    Dec the 1889

            Dear Sister and famley

This is Sunday night and I am

so lonly and I will try and

right to you. Wee received your

kind letter and was so glad

to hear from you but so

sorrow to hear from you was

all sick. Hope you are all

well again. Well I can tel

you wee are not all well.

Blanche and anna was

both sick and the docter

tending them last week

but are both better now.

Blanch has not bin out

yet. Anna was up home

to day but is not well

[p. 20]

and I am affraid She never

will be. She takes it so

hard about her pa. Wee

could hardly keep her A

live the morning he died.

Oh geet it is so hard to

think he cant come in

any more. This will be A

sad christmas to us. Wee

was going to send the

chirldren all something but

have to much truble but

will send them something

some of these day. Tel them

I hope they will have

A nice time but wee

have so much truble I

dont know what to do.

Geet I wish I had not

kiss all the chirldren for me

[p. 21]

gone away this summer

and stade so long from

him. He was so proud when

I got home. I was not home

A month when he died.

They had A letter from

angie while I was gone

She said john had lost

their daughter lillie. I guess

you have herd it before

this. I had a letter from

mack and one from bet.

They are all well but

will has come home and

his hand is so bad that

bet dont know if she

can go to see you or not.

She said annie had A

letter from cora and jane

is better. Henry is over

their with them I hope

he will get well and come

[p. 22]

see us. Oh if I could only

see you and have a talk

with you I could feel better.

I did not have much time

to talk to my dear old

man after I got home as

he was taken sick so soon.

Anna rote to me when I

was in Piedmont that pa

was looking so bad but

I thought she just wanted

me to come home and then

he rote to me while I was

at hets to hury home so

I went home as soon as I

could and I saw he was

failing as soon as I saw

him but did not think

he would go so soon but

oh he is gone and I cant

get over it. Well I will

close for this time as it is

geting late. Wee have three

[Written vertically at top of pages 19 and 20]

borders and

will have

to do the best

wee can.

Charley will

stay with

me. He is A

good boy. Wee

will not

move til

Spring.  I

dont know


wee will

move to.

Rent is

so hy here.

I would

come up

the vally

if charley

had any

thing to

do but

I will

have to

stay here

a while

and then


I will


All join

me in

love as

ever your



Mary M


right soon

 [p. 23]

Bridgewater Pa

Nov 17th. 1890.

Dear Sister

                        I will try to right

to answer your kind and welcom

letter whitch I received sume

time ago and was so glad to

hear from you againe. Your letter

found me well but Annie is not

well. She was real sick to day

an both of the boys are at home

with me know. Willie hand is

sume better but not well yet.

We thought that it wold hafto

come of but I think that we

can saive it yet for him. Brother

is well know and Geet I have

bucherd but I can not tell you

when I will get to come to see

you for both of the boys bing

[p. 24]

at home now will keep me from

coming this winter  Brother he

pays me twelve dollers a mount

forde but he talk of leaving after

Christmas and Willie takes of

taking a telegraph office in

Staunton. He is lurning to be

and Operator becous he has only

one hand and if bouth of the

boys do leave me you may look

Annie and I but I expect

that you will wish that I

had not come for I entend

to give you a long stay. Get

all the work you can and I

will help you if Coot comes

allong she is only going to stay

a cuple of day ore so and she

said to tell you that she ante

puled her breath yet and

Geet thear is no news to write.

Thear has bin no death but

Old Uncle Bob Haring and

[p. 25]

Old Aunt Mary Bunday colord

Bridgewater has bin verry helthy

for the last to years and I am

glad to hear that the girls are

well now and that you are

well. You must take good care

of your self. Mack is at Roanoke

City now. We have not heard

from Jaine for sume time

and I have sow so mutch for

other peple that I have not

dun my sowing yet. I got Annie’s

winter close last week. Tell Sudie

annie sends her a peice of her

wosterd dres and a pies of

her calaco to and tell Harry

that he must taik good care

of his pup and be sure

and not let it bit her when

she comes. Well I must close

for this time write sunr.

We all send our love to all

Ever your loving Sister Bettie

[p. 26]

PS pleas excuse this writing as

I cannot find a good pen.



Annie dont get scaired at this

little peces but we have

not cut our casmer dresses

yet. When I come I will

bring you sume peces big

enuf to put in a crilt.

                        your little neice
