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This transcription has not been verified by Special Collections Research Center Staff.  Please also consult the images of the document.

Camp Near Rapidan Rivir

        Feby. 25th/64

Dear Sister

    Your letter was received last
night, And I was happy to hear that you
are all well, And going it on the [Hop?].
I am still [Hoping?] around myself and will
continue to for ten months longer If
some Johney doesnt take a fancy to [Hop?]
around me.  But he will have to [Hop?]
lively and make good that old Hymn that
used to be sung in the days of my childhood
["viz"?]  I chased the D--- round the stump
and give him a kick at every jump [etc]
You say you got the "Fac. Simile" of
myself, but you did not tell me how
it looked, I dont think they are very good
pictures.  If they aint, send them out
here.  I can sell them to the Rebs as
portraits of the man that couldnt get warm.
I suppose Aunt Margt is well.  I
aint going to send a word to her for
not remembering me.  She wont write to
me Nor she wont send a word.  All
right I wont ["daunce"?] any more crowd
drills with her, When this cruel war is

    I havent any news except that
we are lying in the extreme front and
have the pleasure of being rousted
out these cold nights by the Pickets.
We are in winter quarters and are
very comfortable.
Give my love to all the folks And i remain

