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This transcription has not been verified by Special Collections Research Staff. Please also consult images of the document.

Letter from Charles L. Powell [Winchester, Va] to Selina Lloyd Powell [his wife]

18 April 1861

Powell Papers – 65 P875, Box II, Folder 5

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                                                            Winchester 18, 1861


My dear Wife

                        I have just received your letter, and am very glad to hear of your safe & comfortable arrival.  In these times we must we must be prepared to hear startling rumors & make due allowances for exaggerations –


Our town is in a state of excitement  About ½ past 8 this morning, it was reported that the Governor’s order had arrived , for the taking possession of Harpers ferry – I went down street & found a crowd & Dr. F______ & Col Moore trying to get up an expedition


I enquired of both & found that it was entirely unauthorized by the Governor – The movement seemed lawless, crude & blundering & was jeered by the crowd.  About one o clock a Company arrived from Front Royal.  Betty Bowne’s father & uncle were among them Col Bowen said he had heard from the Genl of the Division that the had the Governor’s order  When it became certain that the movement was authorized, there was no diversity of feeling – the Union is __ not being less prompt and determined than the secessionists. Fred need not


fear that if Yankee Regiments are stationed on Southern soil, there will not be a _______ determination to drive them from it -  It is stated that there will be about 1200 troops in town to night – about 600 it is said will be stationed here   It is further stated that Barbour [?] Superintendent of the Armory at harpers ferry had arrived there bringing information of the Secession of the State, & that the works there & armory had been handed over to the Va Troops from the neighborhood – The last part of the statement is some what doubtful – One of the stories which has exasperated the people in


the Government was fortifying the heights about Arlington, & had occupied or was about to occupy Alexandria a story I hope is exaggerated as that about its taking 80000 stand of arms from Harpers ferry – The Front Royal Company went on to H Ferry this afternoon  others will follow  You need not be _____ about my spirits.   I would avoid extreme measures unless absolutely necessary – I would defer them until full preparation can be made  When they come we must all try to do our duty in the emergency & bear it as well as we can.  That vial of laudaunum might have remained on our mantle piece with out danger to me.  My love to all.  I am sorry to hear so many of them are thin.  I am afraid that political excitement has worn them away – God bless you & take care of you – All well / Yr affect husband

                                                                                    C  S  Powell