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Latest revision as of 21:02, 12 April 2013

This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon. C.G.

                            Octr 1st 1865

My dear Sir:

            I received your let-

ter & Lizzie's [?] day before yester- day & yesterday Lily made the purchas- es except of the shoes. You forgot to give the number & Lily has forgot- ten it. The bills are enclosed & I shall tomorrow show your note to Mr Bayne, & ask him for the sum [nicepay?]. It is needless to tell you that I am not as flush as when the U.S. gave me $6000 a year in gold. One package was sent sent to you yesterday & the other, containing the bonnet, will go tomor- row. Lily thinks that she has made excellent bargains, altho' the prices are higher than those on the men: she says that there has been a great ad- vance in such matters since Lizzie "shopped."

     Have you ever heard of the 

National Express Co? The getters up of the scheme proposed to make me president & I beleive the election is to be on the 12th. We shall be in Richmond, on the way to Abingdon, a few days before that time that I may

may try to get some information in regard to the prospects of this enterprize. Can you help me? We expect to go to Dr. Cunningham's.

    The papers I want especially, are

official reports of the battles of Willi- amsburg & Seven Pines. Those of Ma- jor Generals Longstreet & G.W. Smith in preference. John Johnston & my brother Beverly have written to me that my papers left with the form- er, as well as those deposited in Lynchburg, are lost. I fear that the publication you mention is a large vol- ume of confederate reports of battles the compiler seems to have [?] all that I want.

 I received a letter from Banks

a few days ago. He offers me a part- nership in stock raising. He to furnish the necessary capital & I to have, with half the profits, a furnished house & use of a plantation. I wish his plan- tation were in Va. It will be very hard to entice or drive me out of this state.

   In the matter of the Danville R.

R. Judge Lyons & Mr. [Gillen?] (J.H.) work- ed very zealously for me.

                   Yours truly
                        J.E. Johnston

R.W. Hughes Esqr