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(Created page with "Camp Near Marryland July 29/64 Dear Father I wish to inform you that I am well and that I am back with my Regiment again and I let you know that I was in the hospital at Baltim...")
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Latest revision as of 00:53, 16 March 2013

Camp Near Marryland July 29/64 Dear Father I wish to inform you that I am well and that I am back with my Regiment again and I let you know that I was in the hospital at Baltimore and and I wrote a letter to you and didnt get no answer and so i tout it was for no use to write and i would like to know if you are going to fech Franklin Boddy home or not and I would like very well if you would and it may caus as (?0 and I let you know that we heard that Mr. Solsman SAid that he was glat that Frank got killed and that he had a pistol ready to shoot him if he ever would get home again and if that is true I will see about that if i ever get home again and you can tell Mr Solsman that he better get out the way till we get home if he not Say that for I cant stand it and I let you know that i was wounded in the east and I want you to let me know if you did get that bounty or not and if you cant get it I want you to give that order to Mikle Smith for he said that he would get it for us and about Franklin goverment bounty I will See till I write again and I think I must come to a close for this time and I hope that these few lines will find you (?) all well and write Soon and let me know all the news Writ Soon Jacob Peter Emanuel Peter