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Richmond Sept 7 1863

My beloved Wife

I scarcely know
how to commence my letter, for I have
sad news to communicate. I reported
to the surgn gen'l this morning, and
he ordered me to report to the Con-
scripts camp at Columbia S.C, for
the purpose of examining conscripts.
It is a difficult matter for me to de-
cide what to do. It would appear
childish to apply for orders, and
after they are received, simply,
because they are not agreeable
to me, to send in my resignation
and yet, it is a difficult matter
for me to [give?] my consent to be
separated from my darling wife
and baby and Mother and Sister
that I so much love

I must necessarily must[struck-through]be
separated for a long time from
all who are near and dear
[...? page torn] I consent to go [that?] to do
[...? page torn] [know?] I wish that you


were here to help me to think and
decide what shall best be done.
Had I have known what I now know
I would not have rejoined the
army. The Surgn Gen'l says that we
are not in want of medical of-
ficers in Va.

I saw Tom today for the first
time, he is looking very well
and says that he is waiting
to hear from you when you
are prepared to receive him
and then he will pay you a
visit. I expect to see him again
to-night [then?] I will leave [many?] [?]
[?] and expect to [?]
what must I do? I must decide
before I hear from you and yet, I
dont like to it. I understand
Columbia is in the interior of
SC, and I presume a healthy
place. Still I dont have so many
ties to bind me to [?] [...? page torn]
[?] I [?] [?] [with?] [...? page torn]


a [?] but as it is, is, it is a
hard strugle to give up home
and friends. It be a stranger
in a strange land you will
hear [from  me?] as soon as I have
decided [?]
[?] [H...?] received a letter
from [his cousin?] [?]
also one from Mrs. [?] (formally
Miss [...gly?] Wilson) she said that
the two Berkleys were in Phila
delphia and were doing well,
also, that [?] Smith
was at home [?] from
Wmsburg, expect that the [?]
were hard pressed for [?]
[?] Helen did not open her school
on [Friday?], please ask her to [?]
my [?], otherwise, say nothing
to her about them.

You [?] [?] from me to-morrow
on [?] [?] them. I will be able to [?]
[...? page torn] [definatly?] I [?] [?] is a
[...? page torn] [?] [?] of [?] to [?]


so I hope that you will excuse
this short letter. Write immediately
you receive this.

god bless you my beloved wife
your devoted

