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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full text document available soon.

"Home" May 2nd 1862.

My dear brother, Millie says if I will

be a good girl she will teach
me to write soon. Then I will

write you a nice little letter by myself. Then you will think more of it. The weather is getting to be so pleasant. Charlie and I can play out of doors. It makes me feel so happy to see the pretty flowers and green grass and the little birds have commenced building their nests and sing so sweetly. The rain has made the leaves go so fast. The yard begins

to look cool and shady.

The bees left the hive and settled in a peach tree. [Fran?] made Uncle Big Billie put them in a hive. They seemed very good natured. One lit on Uncle Billie's nose but he looked so pleasant. He did care to sting him. One got up side [Cynthia's?] sleeve but she got him out so quick he did not hurt her. Pa gave his siding horse to cousin Goodie for his old ugly Charlie. It distressed me so much for fear he will not treat our horse good but I reckon it was very well as Pa was afraid to ride him. Old Charlie is very gentle and sister Martha put Charlie up on his back and it pleased him so much he did not want to get off. [Missie?] is so pretty I wish you could see her. She can run right fast and says some very sweet little words. She begins to ride stick horse with Charlie and we enjoy our selves very much. Nellie has a little colt with a white face. [Ma?] has [eighteen?] goslings but no turkeys yet. Sister Martha has eighty or ninety little chickens. My hen is setting. Sister Martha made me a very pretty yellow calico dress last week. Sister made Charlie some little jackets and he was so proud of them.

[I would say?] every time she put them on because he wanted to wear them all the time. She is going to make him some little pants to wear with them, then he will be a little man. The puppies are growing very fast and are full of fuss. They went in the garden today and chased an old setting turkey around the onion patch. They enjoyed it very much until Celia turned the joke on them. The carriage broke down Sunday but Pa is having it [done?] today. All send love to you. Please write to me soon and I will answer all of your letters. Goodbye brother. From your little sister Mary Daniel.