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Dear Pappy There were many times when I was late for practice, didn't make it to rehearsal because I was sick, or once when I skipped. Although I was not your model student I really loved chorus, mainly because of you. I have never had a director who all students had such great respect for and with good reason. You could maintain such strict order & yet you remained a friend to all.

I hope you enjoy your retirement, but if you have some time, I am sure we could find a place for you on the majorette squad. With a figure like yours, the swing of your hips, and that great smile, how could you miss!!

I don't have a picture of me, but if you buy the August issue of Mademoiselle magazine, I'll be in it and you can cut out the picture and put it on the blank face on this page.

I'll love you always and miss you much! Please keep in touch.

Love, Carrine [Carrina?] Klingman 1977