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Tour Choir Auditions: Front row: John Morn?, (?), (?), Kathy Farrell(?), Kathy Moriarty, Barb Coulter, Donna Thibeault. Back row: (?), Keith Savage(?), Jay Wilcox(?), (?), John Shelburne, (?).

It all began... one warm Sunday in March when each and every choir member gave up an afternoon of sun-worshipping and frisbee games for the call of duty -- at the properly designated time, of course, with index card in hand,

just to be sure. Hours of rigorous, exacting auditions in Ewell 100 pinpointed our every musical virtue and vice and separated the MEN from the Boys. This year's auditions, however were closer than ever before in Fehr History, as evidenced by the week's worth of sleepless nights spent by a certain director. Consequent- ly, the Chosen People (alas,

finally chosen) felt especially blessed to have been selected.

Pappy listens carefully during auditions to Jean Kreiling, Carlyn Ewald, John Shelburne(?), (?), Tom Terry, Frances Ferguson.

2:00 pm Thibeault 1:00 pm Carr

  • Woe to they who invoketh the wrath of "O.T. Fehr"!!!