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(Continuation of Flat Hat retrospective on Pappy's tenure.) Native Texan Builds Top-Notch Choir, Offers Advice on Music and Marriage

...involved with music. It will not be an easy task to watch another director stand on the Phi Beta Kappa stage where Fehr has stood for so many consecutive years.

Born in Austin, Texas, Fehr was brought up in the disciplined atmos- phere of a Lutheran household. His first job was that of an organist, but it didn't take long for "Pappy" to re- alize that his musical talents, though by no means lacking, were not equal to his innate teaching abilities. Although the depression forced Fehr to accept a position as a high school history tea- cher for a whopping $120 a month, he soon became the choral director at Aus- tin Senior High.

The Austin High Choir was a chosen[?] clan of 36 students when Fehr arrived but by the the end of three short years [the?] vivacious director had recruited...

"He's a musical perfectionist, a rigid disciplinarian, a humorist, a philosopher, a court jester and the director of the outstanding college choirs in the country." Wilfred Kale, Richmond Times-Dispatch, January 8,1988.

(Caption beneath photo of Pappy conducting Choir.) "Pappy" Fehr during one of the choir's final performances under his direction.