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This item is currently being transcribed by a volunteer. We look forward to making the full-text of the document available soon.

January 28, 1868

My dear Lizzie,

Much you wished to hear from me, wrote telling me that you contemplated a change of residence and name, I must write to you (?) but never gave me your address. What do you term such conduct? And how shall I account for it? You were not the girl I thought to be crazed by love. I suppose it must have been 'absentmindedness'. Mr. Ambler's failing. I think Lizzie you are the grandest story-teller I ever knew, and can tell them with the most interesting countenance that it's a wonder they don't choke you. I have heard Mr. Scott is a good feisty terror. Indeed I hope he will be able to reform you - he has the good wishes of at least one of your friends, and I trust he will pay off some of my old (?) against your luck at kicking me over the waterfall, and I never shall forget the treatment I received at your and (?)'s hands, because I told Mrs. (Snead?) the truth. By the way, what is the matter with "Plum"? He hasn't written to his friends on the E. Shore since October. Kate and Mr. (Rothrock?) wrote full accounts of your wedding to the E. Shore. (?) Joynes showed me Mr. (Rothrock?)'s - it was a good (?) of himself.

Every letter I have had from Mrs. (?) since you left its precincts were bewailing your absence. I'm afraid now that you are married, you will not pay that promised visit to the E. Shore with cousin (?) and Mrs. Snead. I do beseech of you to come by all means. Accomac is more like it used to be now, than for forty years previous. I am positively enjoying a gay Winter and regret exceedingly that I could not induce (B?) Custis to spend this winter with me. Several weddings have taken place, a (lyceum?) has been organized and we have had several dancing parties on the ice (?) the last mentioned are perfectly delightful, though I have been in bed for the past two weeks with a cold, contracted while enjoying that sport. I am almost crazy to be well, for it is so unromantic to have a fussy old doctor forcing medicine down you by the bottle full and cauterizing your poor throat every few days till you are almost driven to the extremity of wishing you had more (?) The treatment I have received for the past two weeks has been heathenish! If I get well real soon, Ma has promised that I may go to see Ellen (Brewer?) in May. You may be certain I am doing everything possible to bring about that desired wellness. I heard from Jimmie last week, and much to my surprise, he was not at all surprised at your marriage, said he knew all this time it was to take place, but declares it is his intention to sue you for your breech of promise if another young lady doesn't favor his (?) Jimmie desired his love and congratulations to be sent you and he hopes it will be his power to see you and Miss Bessie (?) together at some future day. Robert Poulson goes to Texas in two weeks - we shall miss him terribly. He has been with us now for nearly 7 months. Sarah spent Christmas with us. I very much fear she is so charmed with teaching or somebody else, that she will not tarry with us long. Ma is still talking of leaving the "Shore" and boarding in Bath. I sincerely hope she will do it, for I love Bath dearly. It is snowing furiously but it brings no joy to my heart for I can't enjoy the (?). (?) (Joynes?) inquires for you most vigorously (?) the other day ....

Evangeline (?) has been considered a very good likeness of me. I scarcely know if you will even receive this letter. For not knowing your address I am going to address it to Kate Custis.

Please excuse this letter. My sickness will have to be my excuse for (?) doing so (?). My best regards to Mr. Scott. Write real soon. Lovingly,
