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September 25

     A busyish day! This morning I

tiptoed around not to wake the fair

roommates as I dressed for my 8:20

appointment with advisor, Dr. Marsh. Surprisingly

I had no conflicts and am now officially

taking Money & Banking, Statistics,

Accounting, Marketing Principles & Problems,

Introduction to Business Enterprise and

General Psychology plus gym of course.

It sounds kind o' stiff but after

all, I’ve come to college, essentially

to exercise my gray matter.

     I spent the morning with Muggy

Pratt and trying in vain to locate

my trunk – I still have no shoes –

and ate with Beth & Punchy at the

dining hall – this evening I went

to the Lodge with Mother and had


Hell! Wouldn’t you know! Bill Hughes

wrote me from Boston – he wanted to come see

me in New York this weekend. Two days too late!!
