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September 22

     Being my last day at home, it was

a busy-beaverish one. When I awoke,

I wrote Bill Hughes and a perkish

thank you note to Bill Brennan –

also answered the letter which came

from Corporal Eddie Damm. After that

we packed suitcases and then drove

over to take my ticket to Louise, stopping

for a lengthy chat. We ate a Chinese

lunch at a restaurant by the

Queens Bor[o?] Hall, and then went to

Jamacia and bought several pairs

of pants and a pair of pajamas.

     Dad came out early and told

us of his troubles a la business

world. He’s really doing the

job of three or four men plus

the Post War Planning and National

Bond, etc committee stuff he

has to do.

     I went to a H.G.C. meeting and

said “Goodbye” to all the girls.
