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September 4

     The beginning of the Labor Day

weekend. It doesn’t seem possible –

my, how the summer has flown by!!

     Today was completely uneventful

and unexciting. I drooped in bed

once more till just before time

for Daddy to come out. He brought

cake as usual. The rest of the

afternoon was spent in listening to

the Dodgers-Giant's game which the

Dodgers won in the seventeenth

inning. I pored through old

diaries and really laughed at

them. Admittedly I’m still rather

dramatic and I do exaggerate –

but – Gad when I was a Senior

at St. Mary’s I really laid in

on thick. Such gushing! I really

ought to turn over a new leaf.

     I called Bugsie, Joanie and

Pat Brennan.
