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May 29

   All my stiff exams are now over. Three

huzzahs! Philosophy this morning was

completely fair and one of the nicest

exams I’ve taken this period. Now

there’s only Spanish left.

   This afternoon we were fed up

with the utter filth of the room

(I’m not kidding either.) and so

again moved beds, vacuumed, dusted,

and rolled the rug in moth balls.

Then the trunks were moved in

and the room looks like a

confused mess of the nth degree.

I thought I’d lost my keys of the

trunk and called home; Mum is

sending down the duplicates and

“All’s Well that Ends Well.”

   We packed, sold our books in the Wigwam (only collected

$2.55 for three books though!)

and revisited the telephone company.
