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May 10

   Nothing at all new again. Classes,

marketing and quite a lot of studying

this afternoon! I actually did some

English Lit and then typed away on

an interview for Psychology, letting my

imagination run rampant with information

I really did get from Warren on the subject

“Alcohol and You.” This evening there was

the last W.S.C.G.A. meeting of the year,

and then we went to an Economics

makeup, disturbed by retreat’s being blown

for the naval chaplains in our right

ears. After that, we had song practice

and sorority meeting, made vivid by

stirring remarks about the state of

the treasury and the consequences of

not paying fines and the like.

    We had a dreamy serenade by

Eddie Anderson and two other boys

complete with guitar and drooled out

the window at its romanticism.
