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April 8

   The train arrived in the land of the

skyscrapers along about 7:00 A.M. and

a little tired and awfully dirty we

met Mum, Dad, Lizzie and Mrs. Hughes

and had breakfast in the Savarin

trying to get caught up on all the

news at once. It's good to be home.

We stayed around the house all

day, and I slept off and on. We had

Chinese food for lunch, which – since

I hadn't eaten it in ages – was

truly delicious, and is still one of

my favorite stuffs.

   Mom and I got dressed and met

Dad in town for dinner at Rigg's.

(place of memories of dinners with

Bill Boyd). I chewed on an omelette

and enjoyed it very much.

   It doesn't seem as though I've been

away from home at all now; it's so

natural to be here.
