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March 2

Not a new thing happened! We rested

around the house and studied some

Psych. for our test tomorrow at 8 o'clock,

with time out for walks downtown and to

the Wigwam, and a call meeting to

discuss revised rushing rules for

next year, to make free association

between sorority and freshman girls


Bill Samuelson phoned and we had

quite a nice talk. His wife arrives the

middle of this month sometime. He's

a swell person, really. I'm anxious to

meet Margie too.

Louise is going home Thursday and then to

Lehigh for the weekend. Janie is going,

too, on a blind date. Lucky girls! New

York and Lehigh in one fell swoop!

Beth, Louise and Muggy have each been

nominated for W.S.C.G.A. offices. I hope –

Letters from home and Edith.
