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January 21

     Pat and I were awakened at 11:00 a.m.

by a combination of one dog, named Mickey,

hopping on the bed and one brother,

named Charles, blowing mock reveille

in our left ears.  We improvised a

breakfast and then I came back to

the house. It was such fun and

I had a super time.

     My old beat up cold has gotten

radically worse so I kind of

nursed it – and me – all afternoon

with time out for a nap. Danny

made me an orangeade and I

felt all coddled.

     I studied Soc. and English Lit.

and mostly laughed with the kids.

Beth, Danny and Cary ganged up on my

"helplessness" – I was outnumbered.

     Letters from Joanie, Bugs and

Armous. Joan is recuperating from

her chicken pox.
