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January 13

     I turned over that new leaf! But for

time out to go over to the dorm for a

few minutes I studied Sociology all

afternoon and felt terrifically noble for

doing it. How much more noble I must be!

     We went to chapel tonight and then

to a Spanish Club meeting at which

the Iturraldes sang. Oh gosh! We

laughed till our sides ached. It

was truly an experience.

     Beth bought me Benny Goodman's

"Why Don't You Do Right" to cheer me

out of my funk of studying. Nice!

     Dr. Blocker gave us his final

lecture of this semester – a deep,

teary job about war and all the

fellows leaving and sacrifices. It's

Hell! Dave Yeoman went into the

Merchant Marine today, reports from home


     Letters from Joanie and Pat Brennan.
