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[left page of diary]


18.  JEUDI. S. Camille.

52nd Inf. Brig. launches the first

attack of the Chateau-T. drive at 4:45 A.M.

Gained preliminary objective in 20 minutes

Took Toray & Belleau.  Were held up

by French Div, on our left who were stopped

by machine guns.


19.  VENDREDI.  S. Vinc. de Paul.

52nd Inf Brig.

Continued the advance.  Gained

considerable more ground.  Took



[right page of diary]


20.  SAMEDI.  Ste Marguerite.

Continued on towards Bezu.

Losses were heavy.  104th Inf

reported as having lost over 1/2.

their men.  Many Germans taken 



21.  DIMANCHE.  S. Victor.

Rose at 8 A.M.  Worked until [1:30] A.M.

Went to 103rdFld. Hosp. and helped in

Operating room until 5:45.  There were

several patients with serious wounds.

Had supper and returned at 7:45 P.M. to

Hosp. Put on duty in receiving tent.  Worked

until 6:45 next morning.  8 men died dur-

ing night.  Helped to take out 4 of them.

Arrived in office at 7 A.M.  Went to

bed, where I stayed until 11 A.M. on Monday.  Arose

and did my work.



