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There is a fair supply in Town

owing to the scarcity of money

Consumers will not lay out

their money for it till compelled.

American sells here at $2.15 & $2.25

pr Sack Liverpool at $2.40 & .50

New Corn is $1.10 Old $1.25 & 50

Bacon (N.C.) is 23 on the street

Times are still dull I've sold

one of the Last Lot of shirts

at .75.  The [Snay?] Hats are

hard.  The Weather is still

Cloudy and Cool


I will take up with your

kind offer about a suit of

Clothes Coat, Pants, & Vest.

Get me a good heavy business

suit as you Can, not to exceed

$20.00 if Cheaper it will suit

just as well say $16.00 perhaps

better as Kate & the Baby must

have something too
