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my discriptive list in the office

and could seen by that how long

I have been out, it rather puzeled

me what was up, but your letter

"lets the Cat out of the bag" And I

find you have seen Schooler, and

he has writen to Robinson, and

he saw Dr jones, Now all that is

perfectly right and military so to speak,

but unfortunately, the Comander of this

Post who has comand in this department

General Shanke who acts under orders

from the War department at Washington

can not grant the furlough I think,

as long as the rule that no furloughs

shall be granted to men that have not

been out two years is in force, Consequently

you see your labour is lost, but I knew

all this before, and am not a bit

disapointed, I have tried to explain

this to you before, And you will begin

to believe that I understand these things

one of these days, If you could see Hallick
