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mind to. I would also like

a portfoliio, as I can cary them

in my Knapsack, and they

work in handy in camp.

Send me any Razer and brush

with some Shaving soap.

That I believe is all, except the

Boots which I will write to Moses

about. Oh send your minature as

soon as you can, My hair is

so short, that I cant find a lock

but my whiskers are long enough

if they will answer. But I shall

trim up next week and I'll send

it then. I have sent you a

letter every weak since we have

been here, and shall continue

to so do, while we are in camp

But my paper is full, and I am

tired to night, having been on Policce

duty to day besides drill and dress

parade. So good night and give my love

to all Kiss the Children for me, Give my respects to  your

Mother. And all the rest.   Yours Truly  Foster
