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This is not -- except

incidentally & temporarily --

an eleemosynary move-

ment. It is a reconstruct-

ive movement.  It is t re-

organize the masses of the

south -- & that in a better 

basis -- & to re-integrate

society there. 


This movement is 

the anti-slavery movement 

[?].  The Am.

freedmen and [?] [?] 

is the successor & [?]

to be the heir of the Am 

anti-slavery societ.


The National Reorgani-

zer - if such a paper 

with any such a name 

should be be establised -- should

fall [heir?] to the good will 


[Maginalia at top of page is a continuation from page 3]

[Text is transcribed on page 3 with page 3 marginalia]

