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       The male has just got in but no

       letter for me I dont see why Mose

or Noll dont write, or the girls, just

stir them up, Your letters reach me in

from six to eight days, And if they write

I cant see why I dont get them.

Ask Mose to send me the Cape Ann

Advertizer occasionaly.

I am going to write to [Eze] Therburn

to day and you will have to put up

with a rather short letter this Morning.

And I think you had better direct

my letters by the way of Washington, as

I shall get them just a soon as if they

were directed by the way of Nashville and

much sooner if we should move.

  When you see Farther tell him to write

and that I am in hopes to see the

pay Master before we start from here but

it hard telling. Now good by, for the

present Kiss the Children for me and

Tell Willie [to] kiss you for this father and

Write soon     Yours Truly  Foster
