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Thursday, Jan. 31, 1918

This morning looked so gloomy--

Harry went away & he's gone until

Sat. morning. Mother & I decided 

we would like company. So asked

[ ? ], Tessie & Marnie over for

the day. The girls were here. 

Tanta went up tree. slipped & fell and

sprained her hip. So our dinner

party was broken up. We went

over to see her in the afternoon. 

It is bitter cold again. About 5°

below. Knitted quite a bit. Hemmed

twelve towels & made button holes in 

Mary's apron. 12 a. m.

Friday, Feb. 1, 1918

I have been [h ?] all day again.

Very cold & Mary has a cold. Seems

as if there are endless things to 

do. Have knitted, sewed, washed

and what not. Mary's vocabulary

increases each day. Tonight she 

said "scissors" in such a cute way. 
