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was also here for supper and afterward we had some music. Mr. & Mrs. Burnett arrived about nine, & were her for about half an hour. Mrs. B. is very deaf, and also has the strangest voice I've ever heard, consequently it is about impossible to understand her, unless you put your entire mind on what she is saying. Papa's face was a study, when he tried to talk to her, & understand her replies.

Mon. Mar. 17th

Uncle Gus came up early this morning to see Margaret & Evelina and then we went down with them to see them off on the 10:06 train. They have had miserable weather ever since they arrived. Did a few errands, & soon after we got home, Cornelia came in. Edith & I were home this afternoon until quarter past four, then went over to the church to an Association meeting and church at five. Went up to the Inn for a little while after service. Eric came in for a few minutes to-night.

Tues. Mar. 18th

Went to church at ten, then Helen, E & I went down to look at hats at Mrs. Ulrich's, but didn't see any
