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Tues. Mar. 4th

E & I out doing errands this morning, also stopped in to see Cousin Helen. Frances came for us this afternoon and we went over to Current Events together. Mrs. Payne's mother, Mrs. Lozier, who at one time was president of the Sorosis Club, spoke for about fifteen minutes on the subject "Women as Educators." She was very good, but not as magnetic as Mrs. Payne. After the lecture, Mrs. Allan, Frances, E & I went to church. To-night E had to go to the G. F. S. & later Eric came around.

Wed. Mar. 5th

We went down town early this morning, & then up to three o'clock we were just as busy as bees getting ready for our bridge club which meets here to-night. Not having any cook, & trying to save minutes(?) all we can, means that we have to work like Trojans. At three we went over to Mrs. Joe's for our afternoon club, & as usual, had a lot of fun. After it was over, E & I had to go up to get our mocha tart for to-night & then flew home, swallowed our dinner, made sandwiches afterwards and were just ready when our guests arrived.
