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Mrs. Marvel next Thursday. It certainly
doesn't look well, announcing thier
engagement as soon after her divorce,
and I don't see how it can turn out
well. Left the club quite early adn walked
home Will Walker came in the evening.
Sun Ap. 17th
E & I were awfully late for church this
morning and in or rush, although it
looked dubious, we forgot umbrellas. Wehn
church was over, we found it was
pouring, and were just wondering
what to do, when Father arrived with
umbrellas for us. Went to Sunday
School and church in the afternoon, &
then stopped in the Belknap atferwards.
Found Miss Annie, Miss Gussie, and
Linda Straw there. Cousin Helen & I
discussed Kirness most of the time
as that is of vital imprtance to us now.
It was awfully cold to-night, as we
built an open wood fire in the parlor
after supper. Will Belknap came in to
join Father in a smoke.
Mon. Apr. 18th
Had a meeting this morning at Mrs. Leghorn'
of the Executive and Programme
committee. It simply poured in torrents
this morning, as E & I put on our old clothes and took the car up there.
We discussed the programme all
